Summit Packages

- 38 speakers
- 40,000+ participants
- Over 40 hours of videos
- Exclusive specials and bonus material
- Insights & Solutions
This summit is for you, if you wonder about...
- Vaccines, Immigrants, Transhumanism, Recession, War, NWO… destroying our country, health, family and lives!
- Manipulation, corruption and AI-high-tech influence far beyond regular understanding seems to leave no exit.
- Bible Prophecies of End-Time & 5D consciousness rising… seem to confuse each one of us.
- Do we NOW experience a HISTORICAL-EVENT, similar like cultures in the past with Jesus, Noah Flood, Khrishna, Atlantis, Mayas, Inkas…experienced?
- Get INSIGHTS & SOLUTIONS of Insiders from Media, Law, Pharma, Politik...

The summit is for FREE !
Click here for the free ticket.
But if you want get a better HealingAmericaSummit experience, buy a Summit Package.
- unlock all videos immediately
- watch videos for unlimited time
- download videos and audios
- get recordings of the ZOOM workshops
- get bonus of the speakers
This can truly change, maybe save and uplift your life and that of your beloved one! And that's the only way this summit should be done at all.
...and believe it or not, this is the way we get paid to deliver all this information and SOLUTIONS to YOU 🙂

Free Ticket
Free ticket includes:
- watch expert interviews for 24 hours at specific days
Digital access ! No physical product !

Special prize!
Regular Price
- get permanent access to the Members Area
- unlock all vidoes immediately
- watch expert interviews for unlimited time (value $500)
The package with transformation guarantee!
Total value $500
Only $19.99
Digital access ! No physical product !

Special prize!
Regular Price
- Everything in Gold Package ($500), and:
- download all interviews as MP3 audio file (value $197)
- download all interviews as MP4 video file (value $197)
- watch recordings of the Zoom-workshops (value $744) Subtitles in ENGLISH - DEUTSCH - FRANÇAISE - ESPAGNOL
Recordings of the ZOOM workshops:
- Lawana Haney - Figure Competitur: How to move & eat & Anti-Aging (value $99)
- Michael König-Breuss: Covid-Shedding cleansing ritual (value $108)
- Durga & Oliver: With Crypto into Freedom (value $111)
- Cornelia Victoria Harmes: Raise your Voice to create the New (value $119)
- Judith Gschwandtl: Find your biggest hidden strengths and your biggest hidden saboteurs to master oncoming challenges & master your soul path (value $199)
- Michael König-Breuss: How to call lightfull beings/ angels, WHY & how they can assist YOUR life! (value $108)
The package that can actually change you, inside & outside!
Total value $1,638
Only $59.99
Digital access ! No physical product !

Special prize!
Regular Price
- Everything in VIP Package ($1,638), and:
- Speaker bonus (value $3,391)
- Michael König-Breuss: Cleansing video of EMF frequency & negative energy from Smartphone, WIFI, Laptop, etc. (value $108)
- Christoph Heuermann – Video-Course "Stateless Secret Knowledge“ with 50% discount (value $159)
- Stefanie Bruns: Quantum Energizing for Successful Entrepreneurs and Tought Leaders (value $55)
- Zeffi Devi – Tantric Yogini Healer: 20 Min FREE consutation Call for the first 20 people (value $100)
- Dr. Rahm – Root: Vaccination clearing advisory-script (value $99)
- Dr. Galina Semyonova - Vitalgate: 20% discount for first treatment & FREE 10 min. consultation (value $200)
- Michael König-Breuss: 50% OFF, on ALL "SOUL-LANGUAGE / Light-language" video courses for the first 1000 people (value $150)
- Michael König-Breuss: 50% OFF, on ALL energy-clearing videos (EMF, homes, spells, karma...) for the first 1000 people (value $400)
- Michael König-Breuss: 30% OFF, on ALL LIVE-Zoom "SOUL-LANGUAGE / Light-language" seminars for the first 100 people (value $1,800)
- Michael Alois Wagner & Christine Schreiner: -15% Forever Living Aloe products (value $70 - 150)
- Lawana Hanney: 30-day Jumpstart Longevity Wellness Package -50% discount (value $250)
- Judith Gschwandtl: Find your biggest hidden strengths and your biggest hidden saboteurs to master oncoming challenges so to master your soul path -25 % (value $50)
The package that can actually change your LIFE, inside & outside!
I use it for MY life!
Total value $5,029
Only $79.99
Digital access ! No physical product !

Here you find the list of the BONUSES in the DELUXE package. In addition you habe RECORDINGS of videos & Zoom-LIVE-workshops and lifetime access!
You can DOWNLOAD everything and SHARE it with friends, family to “awaken” them 🙂 …It helps YOUR and our mission!
- Michael König-Breuss – Cleansing video of EMF frequency & negative energy from Smartphone, WIFI, Laptop… (value $108)
- Christoph Heuermann – Video-Course “Stateless Secret Knowledge“ – 50% (value $159)
- Stefanie Bruns: Quantum Energizing for Successful Entrepreneurs and Tought Leaders (value $55)
- Zeffi Devi – Tantric Yogini Healer: 20 Min FREE consutation Call for the first 20 people (value $100)
- Dr. Rahm – Root: Vaccination clearing advisory-script (value $99)
- Detail-link to the video only for DELUXE package owner
- Dr. Galina Semyonova – Vitalgate: 20% Discount for first treatment & FREE 10 min. consultation (value $200)
- Michael König-Breuss: -50% OFF, on ALL video courses & video clearings for the first 1000 people (value $500)
- Michael Alois Wagner: -15% Discount on the phantastic ALOE products
Code for DELUXE package owner.
- Lawana Hanney: 30-day Jumpstart Longevity Wellness Package -50% discount (value $250) Details inside.
- Judith Gschwandtl: Find your biggest hidden strengths and your biggest hidden saboteurs to master oncoming challenges so to master your soul path -25 % (value $50)Details inside.
These Boni & Workshops are waiting for you
To WATCH & DOWNLOAD the WORKSHOPS, please BUY the VIP or DELUXE package. Click HERE!
RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Lawana Haney
Zoom-Meeting was at Friday May 17th at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration about 45 min - value $99)
How to move & eat & Anti-Aging
- In this special LIVE workshop via Zoom-meeting,you will overcome your laziness of exercise
- Show you simple exercises that help gain muscle and flexibility
- Awaken the fun by doing something for your body, mind and spirit
- Show you what to eat, to get the most out of your training
- Show you what to eat, to break through bad habits
- Together, we create a world of freedom of choice
I am happy to guide you to YOUR FREEDOM!
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so that YOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Lawana Haney

RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Michael König-Breuss
Zoom-Meeting was at Sat. May 18th at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration approximately 1 hour - value $108)
Covid-Shedding cleansing ritual
- In this special LIVE workshop via Zoom-meeting, Symptoms you probably got through being with other people, mainly vaccinated people may can leave your body & energy field!
- Symptoms like: Tired, no energy, moody Headache, migraine, nightmares Depression, aggression Feeling of no longer being YOURSELF Foreign body feeling of being “remote controlled Trembling, sweating, heart palpitations Or even lost a child, menstruation bleeding again…
Michael is using “Soul language / Light language / Speaking in tongues together with lightfull beings, angels and so on to destroy, delete, cleanse, cast out, disconnect the tings that are among you because of “Shedding“.
Customers of past cleansing rituals say:
- Foreign body feeling, headaches, migraines are gone
- Feeling of relief that “stuff“ is pulled out of the head & body or dematerialized
- Mental, spiritual & physical burden/pain falls away
- Have the feeling that “everything“ is now gone
- Feel lighter and can think & feel clearly again
- Inner light is felt & visible again
- Feel “normal“ again
- Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity is there again
We, Michael and the lightfull spirits are happy to guide you to YOUR FREEDOM!
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so that YOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Michael König-Breuss
RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Durga & Oliver
Zoom-Meeting was at Sunday May 19th at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration approximately 1 hour - value 111 $)
With Crypto into Freedom
- In this special LIVE workshop via Zoom-meeting,you will overcome your Money-mind blockades
- Embrace your growth to be the ruler of your Bank and sovereign of your money
- Together we create a world of freedom
We are happy to guide you to YOUR FREEDOM!
Madame Crypto (Durga Holzhauser ) & Mr Crypto ( Oliver Moos)
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so thatYOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Madame Crypto (Durga Holzhauser ) & Mr Crypto ( Oliver Moos)

RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Cornelia Victoria Harmes
Zoom-Meeting was at Monday 20th May at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration approximately 1 hour - value 119 $)
Raise your Voice to create the New
- In this special live workshop, you will find your own key for high visibility
- get perfectly clear on your message
- know where to start with communicating your impact
- connect with like-minded Souls who will support you to spread your Voice
- Publisher, Producer and Change Creator Cornelia Victoria Harms will guide you through an adventurous journey to your own, very unique and powerful message.
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so that YOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Cornelia Victoria Harms
RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Judith Gschwandtl
Was at Tuesday May 21th at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration approximately 1 hour - value 199 $)
Find your biggest hidden strengths and your biggest hidden saboteurs to master oncoming challenges so to master your soul path
- How you tap into your inner re-source-es so to empower yourself during times of huge metamorphosis
- Become aware of your different conciousness levels and what you create with them
- Become clear what you can not change and what you can change and therefore influence to your success
- Learn to read and understand your body signals
- How you stay in your inner strength and peace in times of tumultueous changes
- More than ever, it is important to understand, who YOU are, so to create an empowering, successfull life. Anything so see, hear or feel is a message to yourself to show you where you are standing. 95% of your conciousness runs on automatic pilot.
- In this life masterclass you will learn how to read your feelings, your body language, your thoughts and where they come from, in order to change unwanted results into a fullfilling, successful, happy and healthy lifestyle that you where always looking for as a mom, partner and entepreneur.
- Use the recording for whenever YOU like to use it again.
Referencees of moms and etepreneurs:
- I feel so much better only with one councelling and my husband has called from work because he was so happy about the conversation we had yesterday. Before that there was so much negativity in our family. S.K. 38, mom of 3 kids
- I could not steer my enterprise as well and successfully if I would not have the accompyship with Mr. Gschwandtl; M.R. 54, Entepreneur of 50 employees and father of 2 children
- I was really ill, had many body ailments and could not feel myself anymore for many years; The worst was, I did not even reallize it; Only if I decided to work with Judith there I became so concious about many themes in my life. Now I am back again, I feel myself again, am happy, feel worthy and the relationship to my daughter became so much better. I love sexuality again 🙂 D.A. 63, Women of an entepreneur and mom of 4 children
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so that YOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Judith Gschwandtl

RECORDING of Zoom Workshop with Michael König-Breuss
Was at Wednesday May 22th at 7pm CET / 1pm EDT / 10am PT (Duration approximately 1 hour - value 108 $)
How to call lightfull beings/ angels, WHY & how they can assist YOUR life!
- Are we alone on this planet and need to do all projects and work alone?
- Why do the Angels, spirits, guides allow that we experience problems and pain?
- Why do we need to call angels, spirits, guides that they can heal and support us?
- HOW is a good and functional and effective way to call them?
- WHAT type of angels, spirits, guides, extraterrestrials, dragons, unicorns… are here for YOU?
- What is possible, if they are supporting YOU and me?
- Experience the difference of being in the Zoom-Meeting WITHOUT them and WITH them!
- Use the recording for whenever YOU like to use it again.
- Get a FREE script HOW to call all of them & how to work with it afterwards!
- Recieve blessings!
Customers of past rituals say:
- It´s loving, peaceful, brighter, warmer
- the feel padded
- The noise from outside it’s more quiet
- Sometimes people cry, because the feel home and feel loved
- Mental, spiritual & physical burden/pain can fall away
- Inner light can sometimes be felt & seen
We, Michael and the lightfull spirits are happy to guide you to YOUR FREEDOM!
It´s FREE with the VIP & DELUXE package, to give YOU the most valuable, useful, helpful tools on the way, so that YOU raise YOUR voice for a better YOU and a better WORLD!
Thank you.
Best wishes, your Michael König-Breuss
Many of your questions on these topics will be answered!

Manipulation of humanity, HOW, WHERE & WHY

Emotional & Mental Solutions

Body & health solutions
2024 is the year of EXPOSURE!
Let's use it for OUR SUCCESS
That the USA and it's PEOPLE get great again!
That the whole WORLD and all it's PEOPLEe can benefit trough the HealingAmericaSummit!
Be part oft he WAKING UP MOVEMENT for the USA & the whole WORLD!