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Valeria Marie Tignini – Magdalene
Revealing the past, the present and the future for people like us: The New Humanity

This interview was available until 28.06.2024 18:57 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


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Interview Summary

Valeria Marie Tignini experienced a profound shift in her worldview following the events of September 11, 2001, while residing in New York. The attacks led her to question governmental surveillance and control, propelling her into deep research and skepticism about the narratives presented by authorities.

Key Events:

  1. 9/11 Awakening: The terrorist attacks caused Valeria to doubt the efficacy and intentions of government surveillance, leading her to explore alternative information sources.
  2. Kundalini Awakening (2012): This spiritual experience intensified her quest for truth, significantly affecting her sensitivity to dishonesty, to the point where her body would physically react to lies.
  3. Response to COVID-19: Valeria described severe physical reactions to the pandemic, which she perceived as a massive deceit. Her skepticism was further fueled by government responses and incentives related to vaccination, such as offering free items for vaccination acceptance.
  4. Social Media Backlash: As Valeria began sharing her controversial views on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, she faced significant opposition and loss of followers, especially from those within spiritual communities who support the idea of a unified global governance.

Philosophical Views: Valeria strongly believes in a higher spiritual guidance accessible through deeper connection with one’s soul and higher chakras. She views the current global crises as part of a larger “awakening game“ on Earth, designed to elevate human consciousness to a fifth-dimensional state.

Visions of the Future: She has had visions of catastrophic flooding that will destroy coastal cities, leading to a new way of life for the survivors who will live in harmony with nature and embrace a peaceful existence devoid of fear.

Current Perspective: Valeria encourages people to overcome fear—whether it’s fear of death, censorship, or losing friends. She advocates for living freely and authentically in alignment with one’s divine self.

Conclusion: Valeria Marie Tignini’s journey is marked by a profound distrust of official narratives and a deep commitment to spiritual and existential exploration. Her experiences and insights reflect a significant transformation influenced by personal and global events, shaping her into an advocate for a radical shift in consciousness and societal structure.

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Valeria Marie Tignini – Magdalene
Valeria Marie Tignini - Magdalene

Valeria Tignini has been called a renaissance woman. Val has worked for companies in fortune 500, luxury brand’s corporations, along with famous dot coms startups. Her work experiences led her to starting her own company in 2009, an online social platform called Her company quickly grew and had it’s own TV Show produced by the BBC of Americas and aired on TLC. All in a matter of one year, after launching her dot com platform. Her success story was covered by Forbes Magazine and Forbes invited her to an honorable event for being an accomplished start-up when the company was only eight months old. Soon after,one day at a flip of a switch, Val had an energetic awakening and suddenly she was gifted with talents such as awakened higher intelligence, intuition, understanding of mental patterns, and an ability to read what is happening to an individual on a physical level and more. She is known to unify and bring people together and create a cohesive vision for a group. This gift allows for the company to raise it’s bar effortlessly.