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Trent Loos
Lies, lies, lies... food, health, medicine, media, government... RESEARCH!

This interview was available until 20.01.2025 23:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


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Interview Summary

Interview trent loos

Lies, lies, lies… food, health, medicine, media, government… RESEARCH!

Trent loos spoke about the Lies, lies, lies… in food, agriculture, farming, health, medicine, media, government… and empowers everyone to RESEARCH them selfes. Did covid just come from the nowwhere or was ist all planed long ahead? In holyday ressorts of famose an rich people, this people speak about all the evil plans, years before it happens in the world outside. But people around don’t like tot hear all the inside knowledge. Only a few people like tot look closer, the rest has no interest in seeing the vaccination game, war game, immigration game. 128 livesaving pharmaciticals come from animals. The narrative made even salt harmfull. Made lot’s of healthy ingreedient bad, so that we get sick. We have so many nitrates demonized, but it is important for our health. We been lied about health and wellnes my whole life. The old vaccines we used chicken created the immun system. Eat egs instead vaccines. Don‘ belife me, research and tehn use this knowledge. Don‘ be fooled.

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Trent Loos
Voice of Rural America

Loos Tales launched in January of 2001. Today, the show airs on over 100 stations nationwide and boasts 3 million listeners on-air and online. Sharing the message about the people and places in rural America is a step toward re-connecting consumers to their food. Trent has been doing this since long before it was the “cool, foodie” thing to it. In 2008, Trent was recognized as the “Voice of Rural America” by the West Quest organization for his ground-breaking work in advocating for agriculture and speaking on behalf of the folks who would rather stay home and tend to their crops and livestock than take on those attacking their life-sustaining industry.