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Judith Gschwandtl
Astrology saw years before Covid, that a BIG crisis will come.

This interview was available until 28.06.2024 18:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


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Interview Summary

Judith Gschwandtl, an natural healing practicioner, mentor, energy alchemist and astrologer, shared her insights during an interview about how the astrology community had foreseen a significant crisis years before COVID-19 emerged. She detailed how discussions among astrologers speculated on the nature of this impending crisis, and when the first reports from Wuhan surfaced, they quickly identified it as the anticipated event.

Gschwandtl criticized the widespread misinformation during the pandemic, highlighting how trust in government and health officials led people to comply with health measures often for social and economic reasons rather than health itself. She observed that many complied with vaccination mandates not out of concern for their health but rather to maintain their lifestyles, such as traveling or socializing.

A particularly stark example of what she termed “psychological warfare“ occurred in Bavaria, where the prime minister allegedly manipulated children with guilt, stating they needed to wear masks and undergo testing to avoid harming their grandparents. Gschwandtl sees this as part of a broader system where people are conditioned from a young age to follow instructions without questioning— a practice she describes as blind trust that ultimately leads to enslavement.

Now, according to Gschwandtl, is the time for individuals to reclaim responsibility for their lives, emphasizing self-love and self-respect. She argued that caring for one’s body is a fundamental aspect of this empowerment.

Astrologically, she pointed out that current celestial alignments indicate a period of decentralization, in contrast to movements like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the New World Order (NWO), which she claims aim for centralization. She believes that freedom inherently involves decentralization as it allows individuals to better understand and react to what is happening around them.

Gschwandtl discussed the broader cosmic cycle of 12,000 years, mentioning that humanity is moving into a “light belt,“ which suggests an increase in energy and consciousness. She stressed the importance of focusing on the best possible solutions and attracting positive outcomes through this heightened energetic state.

  1. You all seem surprised to have heard about the plan in 2006, but people who follow Alex Jones, we knew about it since the 90’s.He has always talked about the microchip and the takeover by the tech industry. Also Edward G Griffin has written books about the takeover, since the 50’s.
    Lovely interview. Thank you.

  2. LIVE-Zoom-workshop comments:
    Radoslav: I feel great, that i started to create my own home studio in 2023. since then i am working on multi genre Composing and Movie Soundtrack Creating. I hear the written Intro of my first Song, that is in work to be completed.
    Zoom-Benutzer: All different parts inside me fulfill my luck. I am very happy with myself and have no miserable feelings inside me
    Zoom-Benutzer: With all people and situations. If there are people who are not good for me or take my energy I just skip and leave the value ones
    Dan: i feel good…in fulfilness when i am in nature when i can facilitate some smile or positive awakening wherever i do
    Dan: yes each of us is a microcosm….i think maybe .integrity should be more inside us to have all our power again…each and than together….i think you are deeply right
    Radoslav: Freedom in perfect temperature and Sun in Cyprus. Surrounded from financial and spiritual epic people.
    Dan: thank you…***************************************
    Radoslav: You have an extremely lovely and beautiful voice, that is vibrating in the heart. I feel relaxed and happy. From 5/10 in Fun and Adventure it got 8/10
    Zoom-Benutzer: Exactly! Health, freedom and peace! For me and all connected people! It’s a 10

    1. Dear Michael, thank you for your precious feedback that you were very impressed, found it very informative and very healing.

      Thank you for all the hard work and many hours you invested in this summit to offer the best possible experiences to the public.

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Judith Gschwandtl
Natural healing therapist, mentor and energy alchemist for deep self-love and dignified self-leadership, mom and protector of all lives

Natural Healing Practicioner, Mentor and Energy Alchemist

for deep, healing Self-Love, Self-Mastery, Self-Determination and Dignivied Leadership for YOUR healthy, wholesome, lucky, successfull, fullfilled life

Bring alive your most special traits, knowledge, wisdom that only you carry in your DNA. It’s your blueprint, your fingerprint only!

So much of your inner most being has been dimished throughout your life with layers upon Layers of outward expectations, paradigmes, constraints, dogmas of society, history, religion and politics as well as personal sorroundings.

Now it’s time to remove all inner and outer shackles that are not your’s to life. So you become who you really meant to be and give anybody the chance to initiate their own being to live.