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Johann Nepomuk Maier
What is reality? How to create the NEW!

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Interview Summary

Johann Nepomuk Maier, an author, host, and filmmaker, shared profound insights into his personal and professional journey exploring the nature of reality in an interview. His life took a significant turn about ten years ago following the death of his grandmother-in-law, when an unexplained laughter at a funeral spurred him to leave his job and delve into deep research about life’s mysteries. Over the past decade, Maier has produced 34 documentaries and conducted 800 interviews, leading to a radical transformation in his worldview.

Maier explained that his explorations have taken him to various places like Peru and Mexico, where he met guides and visited special locations that deepened his understanding of consciousness and reality. He emphasized a key realization from his research: the human body may die, but the soul continues its existence, highlighting the impermanence of physical life and the eternal nature of the spirit.

Discussing his personal experiences with financial worries and familial responsibilities, Maier noted that his trust in the spirit world helped alleviate his concerns about money. He described his life as being guided by intuition and spirit, rather than conventional planning, stating that matter itself is not the foundation of existence, but rather spirit, mind, and energy.

Maier elaborated on the sensory nature of reality, suggesting that our senses construct the external world from frequencies, much like wearing 3D glasses. He drew parallels to the movie “The Matrix,“ where the character Neo faces the illusory nature of perceived reality. Maier also touched on the existence of multiple realities and parallel timelines, proposing that these are accessible and can be influenced by our actions and choices.

Highlighting the prevalence of spiritual experiences among the German population, Maier noted that many people have encountered unexplained phenomena such as noises or visions that suggest a reality beyond the conventional physical world. He cited the work of Dr. Gary Schwartz in the USA, who has developed a ’soul phone‘ capable of communicating with the deceased, claiming a 99% effectiveness rate based on technical information received from spirits of renowned figures like Einstein and Tesla.

Maier also mentioned German and American institutions where one can learn to experience out-of-body states and explore what it might feel like to die, thereby gaining firsthand knowledge of the non-physical realms.

The interview concluded with Maier’s invitation to viewers to explore more about these intriguing topics through his video interview, where he further discusses his experiences and the supernatural phenomena he has documented over the years.

  1. Hey I lern about the System of Bob Monroe Hemi Sync)
    Ohne Teacher is Oliver Tappe . He is a very nice Person.
    These experience are change my live in a higher way.

    Greetings I.H.Goeres

    1. I knew about Bob Monroe years ago. I also bought the OBE course by Stephen G. Jones, Self-Hypnosis. I never experienced OBE out of fear of what could happen but I really would like to experience this. My favorite meditation CDs are The Paraliminals by Learning Strategies using Holosync technology.

      1. I bought the same course, but I did it! Although I did never had the same experience of Stephen Jones, I use quantum Jumping for healing and it works wonders, also to find lost animals.

      2. This gentleman had a very strong accent and it was a bit hard to understand what he was saying.
        Michael, you should make a Congress only for German Speaking, in German, because you know lots of people in Austria and Germany. The Germans, Swiss and Austrian must be awakened.

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Johann Nepomuk Maier
Author, host, filmmaker for supernatural phenomena

Lives and grew up in Lower Bavaria. Here, the four seasons still characterize the rhythm of life and the „most multifaceted“ dialect in the world sharpens the senses for what is invisible „in between“.
After my apprenticeship as a typesetter, a degree in business administration and several years as managing director of various marketing agencies, I started my own business. Marketing agencies, I became self-employed over 20 years ago and ran an agency with a focus on consulting for strategic communication.
For some years now, I have devoted myself exclusively to research in frontier science fields and conduct intensive research on phenomena of augmented physical reality.
Since my earliest youth, I have been involved with the findings of modern science from many disciplines such as: Evolutionary Theory, Genetics and the insights into biological processes.
My personal mystical and paranormal experiences were the initial spark for my vision: to give interested people a deeper, previously hidden and unknown insight behind the scenes of the expanded reality.
In the constant exchange with friendly scientists, experts and sensitively gifted people, the border of the so far „unbelievable“ is opened more and more and made more transparent.
The found cases of this special kind turn our materialistically coined world view completely upside down. That is also the reason why many mainstream scientists still so extremely give these facts resist.