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Eesha Patel
Galactic Experiences for Visionary Leaders. Be your biggest light.

This interview was available until 28.06.2024 18:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


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Interview Summary

In the interview with Eesha Patel, she assumes the role of Galactic Ambassador for the Galactic Federation, offering insights from a cosmic perspective on topics such as the vaccine and humanity’s collective evolution. Patel reframes the notion of right and wrong within a galactic context, viewing the vaccine as a catalyst for personal growth and alignment with one’s highest light. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining spiritual awareness amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic, advocating for unity as the pathway to transcendence.
Reflecting on her experiences during the onset of Covid in Brisbane, Patel shares her insights into the energetic nature of the virus and the transformative power of white and golden light. She underscores the principle of divine assistance being available to those who seek it, highlighting the potential for accelerated spiritual evolution through alignment with one’s inner light.
Patel explores the concept of human-alien contact, emphasizing the role of intention and free will in initiating such interactions. She shares her experiences of connecting with various extraterrestrial races and encourages individuals to cultivate their inner light as a means of establishing heart-to-heart communication with cosmic beings.
Offering practical guidance, Patel introduces the “4 Foundation Practice“ as a tool for strengthening one’s light field and navigating the shifting energies of the planet. She invites listeners to discern between sources of positivity and negativity in their lives, urging them to rely on their inner compass for guidance.
In conclusion, Patel envisions a future of unity and love for humanity, emphasizing the importance of transcending polarities and embracing collective co-creation. She invites individuals to focus their daily intentions on unity and collaboration, fostering a world where separation gives way to profound interconnectedness and love becomes the guiding force for all.

  1. Patel’s message of unity seems sincere; but her comments seem to TOTALLY ignore the technology that was injected via the COVID JAB…….

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Eesha Patel
Galactic Embassador for the Galactic federation

Eesha Patel Galactic Ambassador 

Eesha Patel specialises in the field of Galactic Consciousness. Eesha is here to facilitate the connection between humans and our Galactic Family. 

A profound awakening and contact experience in 2015 set Eesha on a journey of exploring consciousness. In her current role as Galactic Ambassador, Eesha liaises with over 20 different galactic races, humanoid and non-humanoid, and facilitates these connections for visionary leaders and pioneers of the New Earth. Through her powerful interdimensional connections, Eesha lends her services of activation and channelling to assist other leaders in bringing through powerful visionary tools, techniques, and technologies for healing and our greater evolution. 

Eesha’s vision is peaceful open contact with our galactic family by 2027 and her mission is to lead this global level awakening through her teaching, speaking, facilitation, and courses. Eesha’s galactic contact work has been featured in prominent media worldwide. Eesha Patel is available for mentoring, consultancy, and speaking. You can connect with Eesha Patel at