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Dr. Christina Rahm
Science – science fiction, Graphene oxide, zombies, nanotechnology, time travel… detox & self-empowerment

This interview was available until 20.01.2025 23:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


To fulfill the law, safety and compliance regulations, this interviw was made inside the company Root in their broadcast studio.

Michaels questions were kindly asked to Dr, Rahm in a safe manner.

Thank you Dr. Rahm, thank you Clayton Thomas and Root for this extraordinary support of the HealingAmericaSummit for the people in the USA & around the world!

In this intriguing interview, Dr. Christina Rahm shares her insights from a bio-science perspective on topics ranging from zombies to nanotechnology and time travel. She bridges the gap between science and science fiction, revealing the reality behind concepts like graphene and its diverse applications, including drug delivery and energy transfer.

Drawing from her expertise in nanotechnology, Dr. Rahm discusses the potential benefits and risks associated with graphene, particularly in vaccines and healthcare products. She emphasizes the importance of detoxification and self-empowerment, urging individuals to cleanse their bodies and reconnect with nature’s solutions for a long and healthy life. The Root Clean slate and restore can help with that process.

Dr. Rahm delves into the notion of humans as biological antennas and computers, highlighting the significance of addressing negative influences like heavy metals for optimal well-being. She advocates for a holistic approach to health, focusing on the restoration of the body’s natural balance and resilience.

Touching on the connection between fungus and health issues, including the zombie phenomenon, Dr. Rahm underscores the importance of antifungal treatments and proactive measures to combat smart pathogens. While acknowledging the limitations of science, she remains dedicated to supporting individuals in achieving their best possible health outcomes.

In her quest to make the world a better place, Dr. Rahm encourages individuals to let go of fear and anger, embracing each day with love and gratitude. She believes that everyone possesses unique gifts to contribute to societal transformation, emphasizing the collective responsibility to create a brighter future.


1 hour explanation about the detoxification of THE “vaccine“

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Interview Summary

Science – Science-fiction. Graphenoxyd, Zombies, Nanotechnology, Timetravel… Detox & Selfempowerment

In this intriguing interview, Dr. Christina Rahm shares her insights from a bio-science perspective on topics ranging from zombies to nanotechnology and time travel. She bridges the gap between science and science fiction, revealing the reality behind concepts like graphene and its diverse applications, including drug delivery and energy transfer.

Drawing from her expertise in nanotechnology, Dr. Rahm discusses the potential benefits and risks associated with graphene, particularly in vaccines and healthcare products. She emphasizes the importance of detoxification and self-empowerment, urging individuals to cleanse their bodies and reconnect with nature’s solutions for a long and healthy life. The Root Clean slate and restore can help with that process.

Dr. Rahm delves into the notion of humans as biological antennas and computers, highlighting the significance of addressing negative influences like heavy metals for optimal well-being. She advocates for a holistic approach to health, focusing on the restoration of the body’s natural balance and resilience.

Touching on the connection between fungus and health issues, including the zombie phenomenon, Dr. Rahm underscores the importance of antifungal treatments and proactive measures to combat smart pathogens. While acknowledging the limitations of science, she remains dedicated to supporting individuals in achieving their best possible health outcomes.

In her quest to make the world a better place, Dr. Rahm encourages individuals to let go of fear and anger, embracing each day with love and gratitude. She believes that everyone possesses unique gifts to contribute to societal transformation, emphasizing the collective responsibility to create a brighter future.

  1. Thank you Dr. Rahm, thank you Clayton Thomas and Root for a comprehensive interview. I too, am concerned with graphene in the environment and in our bodies. I am wondering which Root products can help me detox from any graphene present in me. I am also concerned about self assembling nano fibers (precursor to Morgellon’s) and antennae, that have been noted in blood of unvaxed individuals, in meat, and in dental anesthetics. These nano structures have been documented via dark blood microscopy by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD PhD. She recommends methylene blue as a treatment. The nano structures are described in detail in her substack:

  2. I’m sorry but denying the fact that there is a global cabal that wants 90% of humans dead doesn’t do anyone any good. We cannot protect ourselves if we do not know what’s going on. That is why knowledge is power. The cabal has infiltrated every government on the planet and their plan goes back for Millenia! This has all been documented. ( ) Their most powerful and effective weapon is their patience. We are literally the frogs in the boiling pot of water. If we don’t wake up and jump out (which we absolutely can do) we will perish. This is NOT a vaccine. THAT has been proven and admitted to. And it is the graphene “Oxide” which is the problem… not plain graphene (which is what she is referring to). Graphene Oxide is VERY VERY toxic to humans! “They” absolutely want us dead and Dr Mihalcea along with Dr David Nixon and many others around the planet have all proven that the injections have self-assembling nano-technology in them and this has also been proven and admitted to by Bill Gates himself! I and many others have witnessed this with our own 2 eyes. Sticking our heads in the sand is NOT going to help us. HARMaceuticals are extremely HARMFUL and there is absolutely a natural solution to everything we need help for!!! She is just unaware of all of them. I commend her for making natural products but convincing people of inaccurate assumptions is not helping humanity. We are in a fight for our very existence. These shots are making our CHILDREN sterile! No future generations means the end of humanity as we know it. WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN!!! (AND THEY AREN’T EVEN AT RISK FOR THIS SO CALLED “VIRUS”!!!!!) It is all a huge lie. Don’t believe the lies. Crimes Against Humanity is what we are witnessing. THIS is a fact.

    1. I should clarify that when I said “inaccurate assumptions” in my previous comment I was talking about the fact that The Rockefellers et al have been controlling what is being taught in all the medical schools for decades and the more letters a person has behind their name only means they have been through more mind-control/brainwashing than the average person. All “Doctors” “assume” that what they have been taught is factual when actually the opposite is true. They have been brainwashed and lied to throughout their entire educational training & career. When she started out this interview saying “I’m glad they released the vaccine” I knew right then that she was still under the trance/brainwashing of the ‘system’. There is NO SAFE VACCINE. And this ‘jab’ is not in any way shape or form a ‘vaccine’… even with the new definition they had to come up with. It IS, however, a bio-weapon by definition… by “THEIR” definition!!! And it as ALL by design.

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Dr. Christina Rahm
Product developer. Background in biotechnology, pharmaceutical management & nutrition. A Master of Science, PhD in Psychology

Dr. Christina Rahm is co-founder and product developer of Root Wellness, an American company that is developing nutraceuticals for special indications. She has got a background in biotechnology, pharmaceutical management and nutrition from Harvard and Cornell, as well as a Master of Science and a PhD in psychology.

Dr. Rahm has lectured and researched globally and she has worked in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and biotechnology industries. She is even an Expert in Graphen technology as well as cloning and biohacking.

Now she is using her expertise to create products that can help with shedding symptoms,  vaccine adverse events and much more.

The „Trinity“ of Root does a great job in the prevention and treatment of shedding symptoms and vaccine adverse events.