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Ann Vandersteel
"Asteroid GLOBALISM" hits the WORLD! Sozialism, Kommunism & Faschism together make a Baby GLOBALISM

This interview was available until 28.06.2024 18:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT

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Interview Summary

In the interview with Ann Vandersteel, she presents a stark warning about the looming threat of globalism, which she characterizes as a convergence of socialism, communism, and fascism aimed at undermining American freedom and sovereignty. Vandersteel frames globalism as an assault on biblical principles and an orchestrated effort to dismantle the foundations of a free society.

She alleges that operations such as Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Paperclip, and collaborations with cartels are evidence of collusion between the government and external forces to undermine American interests. Vandersteel claims that the government funds terrorist organizations and fuels border problems to weaken national sovereignty. She identifies globalist cabals like the Rockefeller family as orchestrators of economic and political destabilization, pointing to actions by China and the BRICS countries as further evidence of a coordinated attack on the United States.

Vandersteel asserts that the government manipulates the population through divisive actions and erodes constitutional rights, citing historical precedents dating back to the War of 1812 and the Reconstruction era. She renounces her U.S. citizenship in favor of identifying as an American state national, highlighting her commitment to resisting what she perceives as government overreach and tyranny.

She alleges corruption within the FBI, accusing the agency of covering up acts of terrorism and engaging in surveillance tactics that infringe upon individual freedoms. Vandersteel contends that the government operates outside the bounds of the constitution and exploits fear to justify increased surveillance and control.

She laments the deterioration of American values, emphasizing a shift away from community and family towards materialism and individualism. Vandersteel calls for a collective awakening and urges individuals to reclaim their fundamental rights by standing up against government overreach and globalist agendas.

In conclusion, Vandersteel advocates for preparedness and resistance in the face of what she sees as a concerted effort to subjugate the American people. Her message is one of defiance against tyranny and a call to action for individuals to defend their liberties and values against encroaching globalist forces.

  1. The BRICS countries don’t give a monkeys toss for their people. All have the same agenda, don’t be naive.
    Right now, as we are speaking, the South of Brazil is inundated with thousands of dead people under water and the government is blocking help. Just like Lahaina, just like Thessalia in Greece, last year. Agenda 21.
    Knowledge is power, research people.

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Ann Vandersteel
Mom, Wife,Truther: Hardcore unapologetic patriot on a mission to restore the republic

President & Chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation. Public Speaker, Activist and Advocate for Medical Freedom

Spoke in Dutch Parliament about that “Astoroid“ Globalism.

Ann is a DAR [Daughter of the American Revolution] and finds studying the constitution and conservate activism her civic duty.
Her career as a new media journalist began on a podcast in 2016 called Your Voice America. Before censorship, the show had 300K live views/night. 2017 Ann started her own show called Steel Truth which ran until 2022. Brighteon TV picked Ann up where she has been delivering nightly news weeknights on a show called Right Now with Ann Vandersteel.