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Anja Schäfer
Venusian Spirituality to support the Transformation of people and the Earth

This interview was available until 28.06.2024 18:59 CET / 0:59 pm EDT / 9:59 am PT


Facilitator of Venusians  Venus Love Initiate
Venusian Spirituality * Ascension * Awakening
Venus Messengers Omnec Onec and Dr. Raymond Keller
+49 (0) 174 6001905 WhatsApp + telegram

Deutsches Promo-Video UFO-Konferenz

English Promo-Video UFO-Conference

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Interview Summary

Anja Schäfer, an advocate for Venusian spirituality and a proclaimed ambassador of divine love, shared her profound experiences and spiritual mission in an interview. She first encountered Omnec Onec, a being from Venus, in her bookstore in 1997. This meeting had a transformative impact on Schäfer, as Omnec Onec imparted a deep sense of home, oneness, and unprecedented love through a darshan—an intimate, spiritual interaction involving eye contact. This encounter awakened Schäfer to her higher existence and led her to dedicate herself to translating and promoting Omnec Onec’s teachings, workshops, and books.

Schäfer delves into the concept that many people feel a disconnect with Earth and a belonging to other star systems such as Venus, Arcturus, or the Pleiades. She describes how Omnec Onec, unlike other celestial walk-ins who merge into existing human forms, traveled to Earth in her physical Venusian body aboard a UFO in 1955 to fulfill a special mission. This mission aligned with the efforts of Valiant Thor, another extraterrestrial visitor who, during the same era, attempted to engage with President Eisenhower to elevate human consciousness and advocate for peace and environmental purity. However, Schäfer explains that these efforts were rebuffed by U.S. leaders who chose power over progress, opting to ally with malevolent alien forces instead.

Discussing the broader Venusian and positive alien agenda, Schäfer notes that these beings realized the necessity to support humanity at a grassroots level, given the government’s disinterest in transformative change. She mentions that Omnec Onec would return to her spaceship every seven years to rejuvenate, highlighting the physical demands of her Earthly mission.

Schäfer organizes UFO conferences to educate the public about these realities and the choice humanity faces between two divergent timelines: one leading towards a dark, controlled, transhuman future, and another ascending towards light, freedom, joy, health, and wealth. She emphasizes that the path chosen depends on individual consciousness—whether one opts for fear or love. Schäfer encourages connecting with one’s inner light to align with the higher, more enlightened timeline, thus embracing the world of oneness and transcending the limitations imposed by fear and control.

  1. Mr. Koenig-Breuss, thank you for this interview. I am familiar with Valiant Thor and much of this material. I would suggest that in future interviews, that you allow the interviewee (Ms. Schafer) to speak more. I understand that you may be trying to scaffold the audience to better understand Ms. Schafer’s message. However, she demonstrated that she was very articulate, and could present her material at length. Thank you for your consideration.

  2. Very interesting interview. This confirms what David Icke said about the reptile people ( negative alien forces mentioned by Anja)., and the negative realms facilitated by the Elite.
    I do Arcturian healing, learnt from Gene Ang, PhD, and it is very strong. I was only once in presence of one of them and it was very weird, completely different, not bad but I cannot really describe it.
    I did not know they installed Smart Meters, already, in Germany. They are doing it in Greece. I talked to the workers and asked them if they knew what they were doing and they had no clue.

  3. Michael, I am so glad you are showing this again. There is some great information here and it’s even better watching it the 2nd time around. I do hope more people watch this time. People need to hear this stuff. I know this ALL to be true but you are the 1st Summit to talk about the extraterrestrial races here on earth. Billy Meyer, of Switzerland I believe, had been visited since he was 6 (that was over 80 years ago or more) and he collected some incredible evidence and knowledge. He was told that there are over 4,000 different species/races of extraterrestrials here and have been for quite some time. Some walk among us and people don’t notice. And you are absolutely correct that some are benevolent and some are malevolent. And the answer to this whole mess is that people need to wake up to who and what they really are and remember the power we all have within us. This interview was spot on! Thank you for doing all this.

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Anja Schäfer
Ambassador of Venusian spirituality

Love … is all. “I am certain today that I have incarnated as one of the Souls to break down encrusted structures and to help both myself and people to allow true, divine love to rise within and be embodied. We are here to help Mother Earth, by returning home to divine love, to raise herself to a higher vibrational frequency and end the age of darkness and ignorance.” ~ Anja Schäfer

Anja Schaefer is a facilitator for Venusian Spirituality. In 1997 she met the Venusian Omnec Onec, author of the autobiography “From Venus I Came “. The two soul friends are united by their common mission to support the Transformation of the Earth to a higher vibrational frequency. Anja supports the worldwide transmission of the Venusian teachings through books, lectures, and videos.

In 2021, Anja was associated with the historian of the Venusians Dr. Raymond Keller aka “Cosmic Ray“. As a German, one of Anja’s tasks is to translate spiritual teachings into her native language and transmit them to the spiritual field of the German-speaking world.

Book publication VENUS AND I – My Journey of Coming to Remembrance of my Soul Mission – 25 years with Omnec Onec

A story about initiations, the Transformation of the Earth, and Love

ISBN: 978-3-910804-02-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-3-910804-03-6 (Ebook)